The old Caroline Motor Lodge (Originally Manias Manor) stands at the top of the Hill where Knoxville Avenue Meets I-74. It’s already been salvaged, and is likely awaiting demolition.
Peoria, Illinois. Shot with a Leica IIIC, Elmar 50mm F3.5, Ilford HP5+ @ 800 ISO.

Rear Entrance, Manias Manor – Caroline Motor Lodge.

Side Entrance, Manias Manor – Caroline Motor Lodge.

Interior, Manias Manor – Caroline Motor Lodge.

Barred Entrance, Manias Manor – Caroline Motor Lodge.

Grand Lobby with what remains of the goldfish fountain, Manias Manor – Caroline Motor Lodge.
Tina Marra
My grandfather built the Manias Manor. I would be so interested to hear ANYTHING you know on the current status of this building.
Hi Tina, unfortunately I don’t know really anything else about it. I know it has been salvaged and supposedly will be torn down sometime. It’s really a shame but after seeing the interior I’m not sure how it could be saved. I bet it was a pretty swank place to stay back in the day.
Going to be torn down anyday now.. Sorry
Charles keltner
Unfortunately It is heading for demolition
Charles keltner
Unless you find a sponsor to save the building like Goldberg or a business sponsor or hotel chain take it over
Kate Elliott
They just announced today that it is slated to be demolished. Extremely sad. Peoria always let’s the best part of its history get demolished.
Hi Kate, yes I saw, really sad. It’s too bad it was allowed to deteriorate to where it is today.
Johnny B.
I know this is not talked about and forgive me for bringing this up but wasn’t there a death at the Caroline Motor Lodge of one of its employees who worked there that caused it to shut down?